Henry James senior.
It was a " large, loose, baggy monster, " in the words of Henry James.
Henry Jame 认为这是 “、松散、拖沓的怪物。”
Other writers also tried realism, Clyde Fitch, William von moody, even Henry James.
也有其他一些尝试写现实主义的作家 比如:克莱德·费奇、威廉·冯·穆迪、甚至亨·斯。
No matter that you have a PhD and have read all of Henry James twice.
即使你有博士学位、完整读过两遍Henry James的所有作品,也不例外。
This was at the heart of Henry James's observations when he visited the Park, in 1904.
" The wild waters are upon us now, " wrote the American Henry James, who had moved to London 30 years before.
30 年前搬到伦敦的美国亨·斯写道:“现在,狂野的洪水正在向我们袭来。”
Yeah, that Henry James. His play " Guy Domville" was one of the all-time great belly flops of the late 19th century.
没错 就是那位亨·斯 他的戏剧《盖伊·多维尔》是19世纪晚期有史以来最失败的戏剧之一。
When the mother of Henry James, a 19th-century American novelist, appeared at a seance with a message for him, he was not surprised.
Nora likes to spend her time reading books by Virginia Woolf or Henry James, writing her diaries and staying out all night at parties.
" Here is the prize, Henry James, " said Mr. Alden.
The pair costar in a new movie of Henry James's 1888 novella The Aspern Papers-a tale of secret love letters-that is a clan tradition.
" I said my name was Henry James, " said Henry.
Are you a fan of Henry James?
The doctor laughed to himself as Henry James shook hands with James Henry.
It's not Henry James, but it's... gripping.
也不是亨-斯的, 但...还不错。
I think he writes so much better than his brother, Henry James, an obscure novelist.
Anything that gets people reading Henry James is fine by me.
Think I should do Henry James instead? - You would be brilliant.
你觉得我该演亨-斯的作品? -你肯定会演得很好。
Novels and Stories, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood, with an Introduction by Henry James, 1903, etc.
小说和故事, 由伊莎贝尔·F·哈普古德 (Isabel F. Hapgood) 翻译, 附有亨·斯 (Henry James) 的导言, 1903 年等。
During this period, Wharton became friends with another famous American writer by the name of Henry James.
William James (1842-1910), American psychologist and philosopher, the brother of Henry James (1843-1916), novelist and essayist.
威廉·斯(1842-1910), 美国心理学家和哲学家, 亨·斯(1843-1916)的弟弟, 小说家和散文家。